Hey friends as Halloween 🎃 (Samhain) quickly approaches it can be very fun to wear costumes, give each other a little scare and eat candy but it is more important to remember our loved ones who have passed on but still live in the spirit realm watching over us which unfortunately mainstream science and even religions tend to neglect which is why I made this short animated music video called "The Ghosts of Reality" (Music by Yanis Khamsi)
Most spirits are not here to harm us like Hollywood horror movies portray but infact help us live life to the fullest potential and get closer with God so when the day of our passing comes we can transcend in peace rather than fear.
Anyway hope you can watch it and share it so we can spread the message this Halloween. Have fun and be sure to Follow me here on Newgrounds and YouTube
It's a bit of a shame how commercialized Halloween's become, when it really all started out as the day when we lit candles and helped the dead find their way to the next life... even if you don't believe in it it's a nice sentiment. Would be cool if we could get some of those traditions back. All Hallow's Eve for real.
Nice cartoon, though, any chance it'll be on NG too? Music issue there?
Very true and thanks so much for sharing. Lot of great holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc. get lost in commercialism but at the very least people haven't forgotten them now for centuries and thankfully now with the internet anyone can do more research to find the true meaning behind them.
Btw I already uploaded this to Newgrounds last year for Halloween if you wanna have a look here https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/738997 Thanks as always your kind feedback and support!